
Holiday Shop To Win!

December 14, 2010|By David Lester

I’m very serious when I shop for the holiday.  I don’t just buy things willy nilly or on a whim.  I shop to win.  Nothing drives me crazier than to buy something and then see that I didn’t get the best deal.  I’ve listed my shopping strategies below for everyone to use for their ultimate items and to save money to re-invest in more amazing treasures.  Remember, shopping is like war.  To the victor goes the spoils!

1. Scouting Parties: Shopping for the best holiday deal is a war of attrition.  You need to scout out what you would LOVE to give, and then keep checking back for it to go on sale.  I have a routine where I keep checking my favorite stores to see when my prize gift sweater or amazing scarf goes on sale.  I keep my visits frequent until I don’t think my target item will go any cheaper or I risk the chance of losing my size–and then I pull the trigger.  Buy it with cash and celebrate your victory.  If it doesn’t go on sale or I lose my size–they didn’t really want it that badly.

2. Love it or Leave it: Make sure that when you buy, you buy something that makes your heart go “thump”.  Think of what that person would really love, because you love them. Buying because you’re tired, your friend bought something and you feel you need to also, or because you just want to go home is no way to holiday shop.  Make sure that when you envision that sweater on your family member – it looks stellar.  Make sure they’ll wear it a hundred times and something that you would wear too.  Think of all those extra sweaters in that person’s closet that they probably never wear.  Make sure it’s ah-mazing.

3. Buy Classics: Make sure that when you buy, you buy good quality, classic products that they won’t have to pitch next season.  We are all about the average cost per wear over here.  A classic piece is timeless and contributes to their clothing basics.  Keep in mind what classics they still need to buy, and when shopping hit them up first. 
 You’re a super shopper and this is going to be the best holiday yet!

4. Befriend the Sales People: If you’re charming and lovely with the sales people they’ll tell you when things are going on sale, hold things for you, and invite you to the friends and family nights.  Allies are crucial in holiday retail reconnaissance.

5. Determine How Much You’re Going To Spend On Everyone First: Make sure you have the money saved and have a set limit that you now you can afford spending on all of your Holiday list people before you buy anything.  This allows for you to truly enjoy the task of holiday shopping without any money malice.

6. Save The Entire Year Before So You Have The Holiday Money Cash! Open a daily high interest savings account and deposit your budgeted allowance for the entire holiday monthly starting in January. Give it a boost by adding your tax return.  See how much the holiday cost this year and divide by twelve and start saving.  How wonderful will it be to have a war-chest ready for next year!

7. Make a List: Organize everyone you need to shop for, how much you’ll spend on them and everything that you want to buy prior to hitting the mall.  If you see a fierce fleecy thing that Nana would look sick in – add it to the list.  When you have enough cash to buy the number one gift for everyone and it’s the right price, strike!

8. Buy something for you! By setting a budget and keeping to it.  Saving the cash before you shop and getting your loved ones their ULTIMATE gifts for the best holiday yet – you need to be rewarded.  Take some of your savings from all of these strategies and get yourself a little somethin’ somethin’.  This positive re-enforcement will be motivate you to keep this new positive money behavior next year.  And you got shoes babe!

These strategies will help you to get ultimate holiday gifts for the best price and guilt free.  It makes shopping more enjoyable and gets you more bang for your buck.  You are now master of your holiday mall jungle!

Love your money and there will be way more to love during the holiday,


David Lester
About David Lester

David Lester is a best selling author and professional Financial Coach, helping people be better with their money. David has written a personal finance book that breaks with traditional attitudes towards finance and describes his own philosophy to money that he has gained through his personal and professional experiences. His philosophy on money applies to many areas of everyday life, including banking, investing, goal setting, shopping and entertainment.