Cash is very important to me! As everyone knows I like to treasure it and use it for my day to day spending. When I was a kid I’d play banker and roll my Grandfather’s coins while I watched cartoons. I ALWAYS pick up pennies when I come across them. And I go to great steps to save and make more of it. I even transfer extra cash into a high interest savings account as soon as it hits my account. Crazy? Many people say I am but I know that being bonkers for my bling provides me with a great life.
I sometimes catch myself and laugh about all the eccentric things I do to save money. Here is a list that shows that I’m crazy for my money.
2. Any parking tickets that I get I always fight. I’ll do everything I can to get out of paying parking tickets. I even have a meter broken sign in my car for those lucky days when I find one. By putting it in my window I avoid tickets and save on parking! Win win.
3. I watch my clock like a hawk when I know I have two hours free somewhere. Last week I lost my ticket when I pulled out my cell phone and instead of just paying the full charge, because I didn’t have a ticket, I walked back the entire route and found my ticket! It would have been $8 without my ticket. That’s a movie ticket on cheap night. 🙂
5. To save on ATM fees I will walk a mile. I would leave friends in line at a bar and run two or three blocks to hit up my bank to save the fees. At $3 a pop that is totally worth it. I’ll also use Liquor Stores or Grocery Stores that give cash back to get my cash fee free. There is a grocery store around the corner from me that has a Starbucks and gives cash back. I get my money for the week with my morning coffee and save a trip. What is better than that?