
Pick Up Every Penny In 2013!

January 13, 2013|By David Lester



Pick Up Every Penny In 2013!

How you treat a lost penny is a window into how you view money overall.  Do you keep walking past and not bother with them?  Or do you scoop down and pick them up?  Then compare to the way you treat bigger financial realms like your credit cards, investments and career?

If your belief system understands money to be important, it’ll show itself in the other financial areas in your life.  Pick up those pennies and that respect will flow into other areas like making more money!

Have an awesome week,






David Lester
About David Lester

David Lester is a best selling author and professional Financial Coach, helping people be better with their money. David has written a personal finance book that breaks with traditional attitudes towards finance and describes his own philosophy to money that he has gained through his personal and professional experiences. His philosophy on money applies to many areas of everyday life, including banking, investing, goal setting, shopping and entertainment.