Smoosh Your Smartphone Bill!
The one thing that I can’t live without today is my sexy smartphone. It’s the first thing that I reach for when I wake up to see what the market is doing! I listen to music on it, I track my spending, I trade on it, the calendar tells me where to go or who to meet, I keep in constant contact with my friends and family by texting or facebook and work with email – I even make a call every so often. It has become essential to my life but knowing that I love money more than even it – I won’t let the cost get over $5o before tax.
Recently I had seen the cost of my bill creep up to around $86 with tax based on my usage. Knowing that there are all of these new telecom competitors entering our market with fantastic smartphone deals right now is a great time to smoosh your bill.
I called yesterday and reduced my bill from around $86 a month to $52 including tax! Total score, right? If I stay within my dataplan limits that will save me $408 a year! That is enough for a flight to LA or NY to have an amazing weekend with friends. Here are my steps to get those same savings while improving your plan and then re-invest them into your own happiness ! Win win win.
1. Run around town and check out all of the carriers Smartphone plans and deals. Be sure to check your office fax room fist. The best deals are offered to employees of large companies so see if you can get a group rate based on your employer.
2. Find the best deal that would reduce your bill to around $50 that includes unlimited after 5pm and weekends calling, over 500MB of date or more based on your usage, unlimited texting, and all the Voicemail and caller ID options.
3. Call your carrier and ask them to cheapen your plan based on the fact that there are all of these new competitors out there with cheaper plans. They want your business!
4. Call and ask for the loyalty department then charm them with everything you’ve got. This department gets all of the livid customers and you being cheeky and flirty is a welcome treat for them.
5. Once you get your best plan keep scouring the earth for a better deal. If you find one call them up and try to get that option.
Keep loving your money and there will be $408 savings to love you back from your bill!
Have an awesome week,