Be Checking Your Statement Twice, Like Santa
|There is nothing that drives me crazier than being “Scrooged” on one of my statements. Over the years I have saved hundreds of dollars just by going over every bank, credit card and bill that comes in. When my bills and statements arrive I scrutinize each line item and only file them away when […]
Say “Boo” To Expensive Halloweens
|Has everyone noticed that Halloween is getting super expensive?! There seems to be more and more parties and events to go to. Now Halloween is getting more popular than Christmas and almost more expensive. Here are some savvy strategies to take the “Boo” out of Halloween spending! 1. If it’s an adult party, make […]
Set Your Money Goals Today!
|I’ll Help You Set Your Money Goals: Let me be your financial coach! Coaching is taking someone from where they are to where they want to be financially. If you can imagine it you can achieve it! I work with you through a solution based coaching program and apply the results to money, business and your […]
How I Invest, and You Should Too
|Hi everyone, After years of trying every type of investing strategy, I’ve found an investment strategy that works for me and I believe for you too. I’ve tried buying Calls and Put Options, Day Trading, Futures Trading, Currency Trading, right up to Soy Bean Trading! Here is a section talking about how I’ve settled on […]
Happy Thanksgiving!
|Happy gobble gobble kids! Thanksgiving is just a few days away and we all know how crazy the holidays can get between family and finances! Back by popular demand, here are some of my own tips for enjoying this Thanksgiving with your friends, family, AND full wallet! 1. Shop at places like No Frills. It […]
Book Tour!
|Hi everyone! I’m really excited to announce how the launch of my new book is coming along. Books have been delivered to Indigo and my book is now available on Kindle format. You can buy it at or right now! I’m also starting my book tour this month. Please […]
The Best Thanksgiving EVER
|Hi everybody, It’s only three weeks away and everyone should be thinking about how they can have the best bird ever. Thanksgiving comes and goes and why not stop the turkey tread mill and decide that this will be the best holiday so far! Here is the way to do it on a budget! […]
Rent a Benz for a Bill
|Hi everyone, As promised here are my tips and tricks on how I got a Mercedes Benz for cheap to boot around Spain in! As my loyal readers know, I LOVE nice cars, but I also love saving money. So how would a money saavy car lover like me get a Mercedes convertible for […]
Stay in a Boutique Hotel for Cheap!
|Holla! As most of you know I’m finishing up my book in Spain and I wanted to share my tips on getting extravagant hotels for cheap. I was staying in Barcelona and decided that I wanted to “stretch my legs” so I booked a sexy Benz convertible and started heading down the coast to […]
My New Book!
|My new book from Middle Class to Millionaire is almost ready! I’ve been working here from Barcelona approving final drafts and the Ah-mazing cover design that my friend Niall Kelly worked so diligently on. My first book was how I had a positive belief system and love for money that had a beneficial effect on […]