
  • How Social Media Made My Book A Best Seller

    March 9, 2015|By David Lester

    Published in, February 25th, 2010. By David Lester   Social media can take a grocery-swiping 16 year old kid and make him adored by millions of teenage girls in an afternoon, like #alexfromtarget. Most brands have had a difficult time harnessing the same success as the Target Kid because they don’t appreciate it for […]

  • My RRSP or My Kid’s RESP? Which to Choose?

    March 2, 2015|By David Lester

    Today is the last day for RRSPs for 2015.  Hopefully everyone made a contribution, if it made sense for you.  Now what to do with that tax return?  But what about RESPs for your kid’s college and university?  It’ll be right around the corner soon.  It seems hard to fund our RRSP contributions never mind […]

  • RRSP vs. TFSA – Where do I Put My Money?

    February 23, 2015|By David Lester

      It’s tax season and the question on everyone’s mind is what shall I do with my savings?  TFSA or RRSPs? Here is a blurb from my book “From Middle Class to Millionaire” on how to choose. TFSAs Versus RRSPs? TFSA stands for Tax Free Savings Account and it is kind of the opposite of […]

  • It’s The “Big Rocks” That Make You Rich

    February 16, 2015|By David Lester

    Happy Family Day! Financial experts are always talking about cutting the small things.  You can cut out coffees, cable, dinners, lunches, until the cows come home but still never get rich.  And lose out on little pleasures. As a financial writer I am guilty of suggesting that people cut out coffees and lunches too but […]

  • Meatballs and Money

    February 11, 2015|By David Lester

    As part of my February spending freeze I brought out my secret weapon.  Meatballs! I love meatballs and what is better than spaghetti and e’spicy meatballs on a cold bla bla February Tuesday.  I’m a horrible cook so this was a perfect time to test my meatball making abilities on my unsuspecting friends.  I might […]

  • February Spending Freeze!

    February 2, 2015|By David Lester

    Freeze Your Credit Cards! It’s February and everything outside is already frozen.  The next best thing to freeze, other than your bum bum, is your spending.  No one really wants to go outside because of the horrible weather, it’s a perfect time to freeze your money too!  It’s way more fun to stay inside with […]

  • Free Money For Students!

    January 27, 2015|By David Lester

      There are so many ways that students can get out of school with little or no debt. Here are my top strategies to get you through University / College with money in your pocket and a great job when you get out!  That’s better than into a basement with bills to pay! Get a […]

  • DCL Capital Portfolios

    January 20, 2015|By David Lester

    After years of trying every type of investing strategy, I’ve found an investment strategy that works for me and I believe for you too.  I’ve tried buying Calls and Put Options, Day Trading, Futures Trading, Currency Trading, right up to Soy Bean Trading!  Here is a section talking about how I’ve settled on dividend and […]

  • How My Phone Saves Me Money!

    January 15, 2015|By David Lester

    I love my smartphone!  I go to bed after scrolling through Facebook and LinkedIn posts.  I wake up to Instagram photos of what I got up to last night and who I need to send apology txts to after a crazy night out.  It tells me how many calories I’ve consumed AND then deducts how […]

  • Watch Me on Steven and Chris

    January 9, 2015|By David Lester

    Hi everyone, Watch me on the Steven and Chris Show here! I’ll show you how to pay back that Holiday Hangover Debt with a few easy steps. Let Go of the Guilt How many times after the holiday have you dreaded the mail because you know that HUGE credit card bill was on its way? You […]

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