Keep a Money Diary and Profit
|Keep a Money Diary Everyday and Become Better with it. I have had a money diary for as long as I can remember. I like to write down things like new investment ideas, work ideas, my goals and net worth target for the year. When I’m on vacation I use my diary to write […]
5 Ways to Save a TON in Mortgage Interest
|When I was a banker we had this tool to show you how much you’d pay in interest over the amortization. When you look at the bottom of the chart I always liked to point out that you basically pay the same amount in interest as you took out on a mortgage at an […]
5 Money Lessons to Teach Your Kids
|When I was a kid I LOVED money. My mom says my first word was “Penny” and I was always enamoured by it. When I played Robin Hood I always wanted to be the Sheriff of Nottingham and I’d tax collect from all my stuffed animals. I’d then sit for hours rolling coins that my […]
Debt Busting Tips For Millennials
|When you’re falling asleep isn’t it always the thought of credit card debt that comes to mind? The best way to deal with that anxiety is with a plan. A plan to stop the bleeding money, set spending thresholds and eliminate that debt! Below I’ve outlined my best strategies to flex your money muscle and […]
5 Millennial Money Hacks
|Happy halfway through the year! How has your year been going financially? Did you get the promotion you were hoping for? Have you been paying down your debt and getting on top of your money? If the answer is no, that’s ok, because we still have six more months to go until next year! So […]
5 Ways to Save Money With Your Phone
|I love my smartphone! I go to bed after scrolling through Facebook and LinkedIn posts. I wake up to Instagram photos of what I got up to last night and figure out who I need to send apology texts to after a crazy night out. It tells me how many calories I’ve consumed AND calculates […]
7 Tips to Come Out of University Financially Set
|The start of summer is the last time that students want to think about university and their future, but the time is right to start building a plan. With school getting more expensive and good jobs hard to get when you graduate it’s crucial to put some strategies in place. Here are my top […]
Stay in Boutique Hotels For Less
|Last summer when I was writing my new book From Middle Class to Millionaire I decided to go to Spain. After staying in Barcelona for a few weeks I wanted to travel the country. I rented an AMAZING convertible and drove back and forth across Spain hitting up all of the adorable towns and staying […]
Thrifty Travel Tips!
|When people are about to die they say they wished they didn’t spend so much time at work. That is good advice so everyone should go travel right now. It is also said that people are more genuinely happy through experiences vs. things so pick your ultimate travel location and go! I’ll show you how […]
Live Abroad on A Dime!
|Have you ever dreamed of living in another city? Royal London? Beautiful Paris maybe? Ancient Istanbul? Or New York or L.A that are closer to home? Do it today! I’ve lived in a bunch of cities across the globe to absorb their culture and heritage and you should too. Most countries will let you […]