
  • Use your Intellectual Brain In These Markets

    January 21, 2016|By David Lester

    There is an emotional brain and an intellectual brain and you want to use your intellectual brain in today’s market.  Going back to 2007-08 there were strategies that worked and they will work again today!  If you look at historical mutual fund purchases and redemption everyone gets in when the market is going up and […]

  • Don’t Make The Same RRSP Mistakes of 2008

    January 9, 2016|By David Lester

      There were many mistakes made in people’s RRSPs when the market was crashing in 2008, and it is crucial that we don’t make them again, now that 2016 has started of so poorly.  The stock market can be more about emotions than economics, and you can make bigger mistakes by going by your gut than […]

  • Money, The Last Taboo

    January 1, 2016|By David Lester

    Isn’t in strange how taboo talking about money still is?  How you probably don’t know how much most of your friends make, and they don’t know what you make.  How you know everything about their health, spirituality, education, and sex lives, but nothing about their money?  Let’s make 2016 the year that money comes off the […]

  • Eggnog and Budget Planning

    December 18, 2015|By David Lester

    What is better than holiday parties, presents, and delicious food? 2015 budget reconciliation time!  Not too many people get excited at the end of the year to see how much they have saved, but I sure do.  I go over all my expenses, income, investments, and mortgage to see how much I made and spent.  If you […]

  • Holiday Cheer Doesn’t Have to be “Dear”!

    December 3, 2015|By David Lester

    It’s officially December now and I have no idea what to get anyone for Christmas or how much it’ll cost.  Everyone should be getting ready to be Merry and Jolly but I’m banging my head on the wall thinking of what everyone wold love without breaking the bank.  I always give AWESOME gifts and so […]

  • Money For Life!

    November 26, 2015|By David Lester

    Only 1 in 3 Canadians have defined benefit pensions (retirement money that only ends when you die), and there are a ton of pluses to having a defined benefit pension.  The biggest benefit is not running out of money and being forced to eat cat food when you retire.  It is also known that people with a set […]

  • Black Friday Boot Camp

    November 19, 2015|By David Lester

    Black Friday is on Nov 27th and Cyber Monday is on Nov 30th this year and I’m pumping up to win on savings!  As you already know, I love me a deal, and I wanted to share with you all of my tips and tricks on getting the best item for the best price.  It’s […]

  • Treat Money Like Your BFF

    November 6, 2015|By David Lester

    Don’t just have an “ok” relationship with your money have an AH-MAZING relationship with it!  Just like you have with your spouse or best friend.  Being a money maven means you treat your money like any other important relationship in your life.  Treating your money like your best friend can provide you freedom, security, leadership, […]

  • Make This Halloween Less Financially “Scary”

    October 30, 2015|By David Lester

    Have you noticed that retailers have started to put out fancy Halloween costumes and information earlier and earlier to remind you that it is on its way. And after all of the costumes, decorations, and treats it is getting super expensive!  When I was a kid my mom would make a costume or decorations for […]

  • Bank Branches Built for Millennials!

    October 24, 2015|By David Lester

      A Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research report shows that 33% of millennials say they won’t need a branch in 5 years. The same report says that 50% of millennials expect Silicon Valley start up companies to modernize banking for the world.  There is a recent shift towards virtual banking, roboadvisors, and away from brick […]

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