Perfect Casa For Less Cash
|I’ve moved into my new place here in California and I love it! I couldn’t have found a better place. Moving to a new city and finding a new place to call home is one of the most stressful things you can do. Before I got to LA I had talked to agents, scoured craig’s […]
California Savings!
|I’ve just arrived in LA for the winter to support my US version of I Heart Money. It’s available at in hardcopy and in Kindle format! Shameless self promotion, I know. I’ll be writing more frequently to talk about my adventures here and how I’m saving and re-distributing my profits to invest in my […]
Fat Pants Be Gone!
|I’m moving to California for a few months to support my US book launch and I’ve been purging things that I don’t need for the trip. I’ve been choosing just one of three pairs of sunglasses, just a handful of favorite tops, just my most flattering jeans, my coziest sweaters etc. The amazing thing that […]
I (Heart) Money Last First Edition Books
|Hey Everyone, Since my first print run in May I’ve already almost sold out of my first edition! Thanks for everyone who has bought a copy. I really appreciate your support. I’ve heard from the book store managers that the first print edition appreciates the most. So my advice this week is to run out […]
Bird on a Budget
|Happy Canadian Thanksgiving everyone! My Thanksgiving was ah-mazing. It was the first time that I hosted dinner with all the fixin’s and everyone said I did an amazing job. When I try something new I like to do it perfect the very fist time so that everyone has a great time and on a budget. […]
Give Away A Week’s Discretionary Spending And Profit!
|This week I’ve decided to give away my weeks discretionary spending. I spend about $600 a week on coffees, clothing, lunches, dinners, movies, gifts and going out with friends. I’m on my own “Cash is King” plan where I take $300 out on Sunday night that lasts me until about Thursday and then I take […]
We’re Just Fancy Monkeys
|From my experience with people and money I’ve decided we’re just fancy monkeys. We respond by positive re-enforcement successfully and not very successfully to negative ones. Negative re-enforcement will work for a short period of time but I can guarantee you that a banana will get you a monkey to do something faster than a […]
Soup’s On! Be Happy.
|Everyday I wake up and think about all of the fun things that I’m going to do today. I have found that the key to happiness is to figure out what makes you happy, and then build those things into your daily routine. Life should be a smorgasbord: everyday you should get to choose from a giant […]
Sir Richard Branson’s Bundles
|Sir Richard Branson is a great guy. He went from being a young middle class English dude to being a huge entrepreneur, being knighted, changing industries, the world even. I read his autobiography a few years back and the one thing that stuck with me was his philosophy on growing his business. I found it […]
Money is Power
|I like to think of money as a powerful tool that can help me do and buy all the things that I want. To provide for me freedom to travel, achievement when I get better as a rider, fun when I have amazing dinners wtih great friends and family. All the things that make me […]