Fuel Up Your Savings and Portfolio!
|Fuel is on its way up and I wanted to share my strategies to save on this necessity. Not only will it take the pinch out of the pumps but it’ll get your portfolio going. Vroom vroom! 1. Buy a car that is fuel efficient – this will be more important as fuel breaks $100 […]
Average Down Fine Dining!
|The number one reason I write my books, articles, and blogs is to show everyone how that they can harness the power of money to live their ultimate life. Money saved on something that isn’t important to you can be spent on something that is very important to you. I love stellar restaurants. I also love […]
|Where is the one place that you always think of when you’re knee deep in snow? Unwrapping another turtleneck with a kitten on it from Oma? Choking down dry turkey at Auntie Gertrudes? No. Vegas Baby! My family was visiting me in Hollywood this year and the day before Christmas Eve we decided to drive […]
2011 Money Resolutions Made Easy!
|I bet everyone has some new years’ money resolutions on their list, right Bellos and Bellas? I’m used to seeing these following money resolutions on goals lists: Pay down debt Increase my net worth Track my spending Spend less on junk Save eight months of salary Well I have a great tool to help you […]
Get Outside Your Money Comfort Zone
|When the new year comes around you will want to save and make more money to fund your ultimate life. One way to do this is to change a few bad money habits that have to do with convenience. You’re probably set in your old ways but if you make a few small changes in […]
Give The Gift Of Financial Savvy!
|This year I’ve decided to give the gift of financial independence. One of the best ways to teach this crucial lesson is to give your kids some money for them to start managing. Learning how money works will help take the mystery out of our capitalist system and create some excitement when they watch it […]
Holiday Shop To Win!
|I’m very serious when I shop for the holiday. I don’t just buy things willy nilly or on a whim. I shop to win. Nothing drives me crazier than to buy something and then see that I didn’t get the best deal. I’ve listed my shopping strategies below for everyone to use for their ultimate […]
Christmas Tree for Free
|Happy holidays everyone! I can’t believe this year has only 23 days to go. To help spread that holiday season in my place here in Hollywood I decided to get a tree. My family is coming to stay for the holiday and I wanted to have one for them and to make warm and snowless […]
Give Your “Snookie” I (Heart) Money for the Holidays!
|Hi Kids, What is a better gift to give than the gift of financial success! It’s available at these fine retailers! US Edition in book and Kindle format – Canadian Edition: Book City 348 Danforth Ave, Toronto 1430 Yonge St, Toronto 1950 Queen Street East, Toronto Nicholas Hoare 45 Front Steet East, Toronto Ben […]
Decorating But Keeping the Dime!
|Now that I’ve landed in Hollywood and I have my amazing pad here I naturally need to decorate it. I’m planning on being Canada’s youngest snow bird and spend six months here in the sun and write and work on some exciting projects. (I’ve already practised driving slowly in the fast lane with my signal […]